Implant Basic Course – Juni 2015

PDGI cabang Balikpapan bekerja sama dengan Osstem mengadakan Implant Basic Course modul 1dengan Instruktur Dr.Ferdinand dino, DDS, pada 6-7 Juni 2015, bertempat di RS. Pertamina Balikpapan.

Basic Science for implant dentistry (lecture sesion)
1. Principle and concept of dental Implant treatment
2. Anatomy for Implant Dentistry-hard Tissue and soft Tissue evaluation
3. Biomechanical Consideration in implant dentistry
4. Surgical Consideration in implant dentistry
5. Dental Implant Installation Proceduree
Basic Skill for Implant Dentistry (short lectures+ands On session)
1. Panoramic radiograph tracing for dental implat treatment planing
2. Drilling on different bone type on wood block
3. Flap incision, flap reflection, drilling, implant dummy placememt and suturing model

Live Surgery

Fasilitas yang diberikan kepada peserta:
1. Materi/hands out
2. Bone block model
3. Blue Nylon
4. Blade ukuran 12 dan 15
5. No gum model
6. Rahang full mouth acrilic
7. Dummy implant fixture
8. Paket Implan (set)

Bagi temean sejawat yang berminat dapat menghubungi
• Drg. M.Husdiari : 0811595797
• Michel : 0812-4411-3133

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